The patented name for this engine is:
“Moment Cancelling” 4-Stroke Engine
Simple Design Objectives:
- 1. Low vibration or “turbine smooth”
- 2. Trouble free reliability and endurance (low stress)
- 3. Fuel efficient use
- 4. Compliance with all emission laws
- 5. Must run on readily available fuel (91 octane in CA)
- 6. User friendly power delivery
- 7. Good B.M.E.P. numbers regarding power (Brake Mean Effective Pressure)
- 8. Good B.S.F.C. (Brake Specific Fuel Consumption)
- 9. Simplicity with low parts count
- 10. We have received a patent
Time Table:
First run is scheduled for December 2017
Future turbo/supercharged versions are in the pipeline for when we grow up